Everything I write starts from my life, people I’ve known, people I’ve been. Somewhere in the writing the characters and story gain a life of their own. Looking back I can see three distinct muses that drove the creation of TRICKY.
Category: Essays
Essays written by Josh Stallings
Please Don’t Shoot My Son
I have been asked why publish Tricky now. In light of the Black Lives Matter and the Defund the Police movement, what kinda idjit writes a LAPD detective as a protagonist? Short answer: Um, me. Snarky answer: Problems with the police didn’t start in the summer of 2020. If you haven’t noticed this, count yourself…
Crime Fiction Needs Neurodiversity.
My placement of an intellectually disabled man at the center of Tricky wasn’t a decision to be neurodiverse—I hadn’t heard of the term yet—or a plotting calculation. It was personal. My son Dylan is intellectually disabled.